Monday, September 29, 2014

My Simon turns two!

I love celebrating these kids and hey, why not do it all within ten days?! We had so much fun. These kids ate it up of course.
Simon here is eagerly anticipating his cupcake, waiting so patiently. 

Here he is listening and watching daddy as he tells him not to touch the candle, but to blow it out.

Simon, you think the world of your daddy. You watch him, copy him and I can tell you want to be just like him. We are thrilled we get to raise you and be your parents.

Your world is expanding every day. You are learning new things constantly. It's hard to keep up on all the new things you are up to. So with that said, here are some things you are doing at 2 years of age

He calls the sky "wah, wah" which is water
He calls diapers "pew pew pew"
He says "Hi" like Flynn Rider off of the movie Tangled.
 He goes crazy for balloons
He's loves adventure but he wants nothing to do with it if he's not with mom or dad.

You are my climber, although you listen to me when I tell you to get down. You're not being defiant. I think you're trying to figure things out. You enjoy the adventure it brings you.

All Simon wants to watch is the same train movie we have over and over.
Of course trains are called "choo choos."
He knows where the train tracks are in town and likes to always tell the train "bye" when we go a different direction.

He loves the ABC song and music in general. I love to watch him dance as he sways his shoulders and moves his arms.
If there is a song on he likes at the end he always yells "gain" (again).

Oh, Simon...
You don't like to be "messy" you show me your hand and say "mea" I had you a towel, you wipe your hands and mouth off and you smile the whole time.
You are my kissy kid. If someone is sad, hurt, going to bed, waking up or leaving for the day you start your kissy noise.  A kiss anywhere on the body will count, you just has to make contact!


He laughs!
He laughs a lot! He'll laugh at billboards, at people or at animals.
He thinks this medal sculpture down town in front of Mellow Mushroom is a hoot. He wants you to notice him laughing though with his eyes squinced up and his hand over his mouth.
He wants to be consoled if he hurts himself even if its not that bad.
He's having to learn his boundaries with not hurting his brother and sister. His fast to apologize, though.
He's good at signing "sorry." So good in fact, if Oliver gets hurt and Simon has nothing to do with it, Simon will be quick to say he is sorry anyway.

You are a great kid Simon with a big heart. I love that I get to be home with you, raise you, and mold you. To see all of your "first". The good and the bad. It's such a joy. I love you to the moon and back.


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